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This page displays a list of Open Opportunities.

To search for an opportunity, enter keywords in the search field and click the Search button. Results will be retrieved and populated on the screen according to the search criteria. Should the keywords not match any opportunities, the system will display No Record Found.

For a more detailed search, click Detailed Search at the top of the page. To view open opportunities by category, click View by Category. To view open opportunities by agency, click View by Agency.

To view the bid notice abstract for an opportunity, click on the title of the bid notice.

To order associated components/bid documents for the bid notice, click Order under the column Associated Components.

PUBLISH System displays the published date of the bid notice.


System displays the closing date of the bid notice.

System displays the title of the notice and the name of the agency who published the notice. Click on the title to view the bid notice abstract.


Click Order to return to the order basket where you may order associated components/bid documents for this bid notice.